Shaylah Ware
I’m Shaylah as I already included within my cover page. This has been a journey for me
to remember since I started off as a nursing student and now have switched over into early childhood
education. I started off going to school for my certificate as a CNA in which I completed with the
intention of being a RN but everything happens for a reason. So once I decided to not continue on with
the program for a few reasons I started looking into some other things that I know I’m good at and that’s
when becoming a teacher came to mind. Everyone in my circle always told me that I would make a great
teacher because of my compassion for children and how I work so well with them. At this point in my life
I’ve learned to except what is and keep moving forward regardless of what might come my way. I’m very
excited about the decision that I made to go into another field that wasn’t all about the money but for the
love I have for children and their education.
I’m the youngest of three with a 8 year old daughter and a 4 year old son. Parenting full
time, working, and going to school has been a challenge but I've made it this far so there is no turning
back. In 2009 I went to Everest College to obtain my Medical Assistant degree in hopes of finding
employment shortly their after. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to obtain a job within that field and was left
to pay a student loan with no job at the time! I didn’t let that stop me because not only did I continue to
job hunt but I went back to school to finish up where i had left off. I looked at getting a diploma with no
job as a setback but I new that eventually I would complete a degree in another field of study. I’ve
volunteered at Pathways to Learning 2 and Teddy Bear #2 for the hands on experience and being able to
interact with the children.
I’ve worked as a CNA and home health aide for a total of 3 years and that was by far the
toughest experience I’ve ever had my whole life because you are dealing with many different people,
conditions, and situations. I resigned from my job of one year back in 2014 to take on working for my
great- great grandma who needed care at home. I did this for a year and just recently had to let go of this
position only because when you work for a relative they have the tendencies to treat as well as talk to you
differently and unfortunately I ended up having to let go from working for her. I gave both positions my
all but that point in my life came when I had to move on to do what made me happy verses what others
thought I should do.
I enjoy spending time with my children and every weekend and when I’m not busy we
have a blast. I interact with them through playing with girl and boy toys, to watching a variety of family
movies, playing boards games bike riding, jump roping, playing video and basketball, exercising, and etc.
I’m really big on education and that’s why I make it a top priority to read to them every day twice and sit
along the side of them to help out with homework. They love the attention, play time, and learning as
well. I started off teaching my children to write their name, tie their shoes, fold clothes, sweeping, raking
leaves, and etc. at an early age because I knew that it would stick with them as they got bigger. When I
interact with them through play time I always feel like a kid all over with not a care in their word just like
they feel.
I enjoy cooking, shopping, dancing, going to the movies, bowing, and etc. These are
things that I do for myself to get away and have some me time. My main goal is to finish school,
graduate, and move either outside of Chicago or to a different state. I’ve lived here in Chicago for my
whole life and I just want to see as well as be around a different atmosphere and people. It will also be
better for me in raising my two children that are my hearts and joys.