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Why I am Ready to become a teacher

                            I started teaching my niece who was four at the time and I was nine with writing alphabets, numbers, shapes, counting,


and her name. It continued on to my other two nieces, and nephew. When I had my two children is when I started  reading to them,


showing them how to write their names and alphabets, counting with numbers and objects, teaching them their shapes, and alphabets. I


would also pracrice spelling out simple words for them such as objects they play with, animals, things around the house and school they


see on a daily basis as well as things outside.  I feel that teaching is just somewhat natural for me since I started helping out with caring


and teaching at a young age even though I was young too. Children that are taught at a young age it helps them with their developmental


growth in a lot of ways especially because of the exposure they’re getting. Something that is taught and used on a day to day basis can


stay with a child for a life time as long as they continue on. 


                             Some children aren’t exposed to a learning atmosphere at home so that calls for me as being a teacher to step in and


implement into them the skills they need through small and large gross motor skills, too social, cognitive, emotional and language skills


that they will need. Learning how to write their names, alphabet, shapes, and numbers depending on the age group is a start into a child


using their small gross motor skills. Learning how to ride a bike or scooter board would be a child using their large gross motor skills


especially if there is some children who don’t have things like this at home so it would be a learning as well as fun experience. Playing


with playdoh, beading strings, stacking, sorting blocks or other manipulative toys through color and size, writing their name, and using


their fingers to put on their clothes would be fine motor. Talking amongst their classmates as a group, partnering up with someone else


through play or work time, asking to go to the bathroom, and etc. would be children using their language / social skills. Cognitive skills


would consist of children being able to work on something whether it’s a project, puzzle, or blocks by concentrating, understanding how


something is made or goes, and using the process of elimination concept of what to do if something doesn’t work out. 


                             I’ve learned that children would do and or say whatever they hear the person that’s around them the most. With that


being said having the position as I teacher I can instill in each child as much as they can take in and implement through their work as well


as play. I know that working with children and teaching them the things that they need to know will stick with them and as time goes on


they will grow into a higher level of learning once the basics is accomplished. When introducing things to children baby steps are best just


to see where everyone is at far as on that subject to determine how fast or slow you need to go and how long to keep going over it.


Teachers are the second ones in place when it comes to children learning and that’s why being a teacher is important. 


                            I’m ready to become a teacher because there is so many children who are being left behind due to the lack of parent


involvement and it’s very sad to me. I know that I can get children’s minds on the path to learning because I will make it fun and


memorable until the point they will want more. Teaching children to me is like feeding your mind because once you eat you’re able to


function better through all the developmental phases. Without eating it’s hard to pay attention and or retain anything because the mind


isn’t present only the body. Learning is fun and with children present you never know what new things you might end up doing because


their minds are so curious. I want to continue on teaching children but just with a much better knowledge of things that they need to know


to succeed in life as I did for my nieces, nephew, and my children. 

                           I started teaching my niece who was four at the time and I was nine with writing alphabets, numbers, shapes,


counting, and her name. It continued on to my other two nieces, and nephew. When I had my two children is when I started


reading to them, showing them how to write their names and alphabets, counting with numbers and objects, teaching them


their shapes, and alphabets. I would also practice spelling out simple words for them such as objects they play with, animals,


things around the house and school they see on a daily basis as well as things outside.  I feel that teaching is just somewhat


natural for me since I started helping out with caring and teaching at a young age even though I was young too. Children that


are taught at a young age it helps them with their developmental growth in a lot of ways especially because of the exposure


they’re getting. Something that is taught and used on a day to day basis can stay with a child for a life time as long as they


continue on. 


                Some children aren’t exposed to a learning atmosphere at home so that calls for me as being a teacher to step in and


implement into them the skills they need through small and large gross motor skills, too social, cognitive, emotional and


language skills that they will need. Learning how to write their names, alphabet, shapes, and numbers depending on the age


group is a start into a child using their small gross motor skills. Learning how to ride a bike or scooter board would be a child


using their large gross motor skills especially if there is some children who don’t have things like this at home so it would be a


learning as well as fun experience. Playing with playdoh, beading strings, stacking, sorting blocks or other manipulative toys


through color and size, writing their name, and using their fingers to put on their clothes would be fine motor. Talking amongst


their classmates as a group, partnering up with someone else through play or work time, asking to go to the bathroom, and etc.


would be children using their language / social skills. Cognitive skills would consist of children being able to work on


something whether it’s a project, puzzle, or blocks by concentrating, understanding how something is made or goes, and using


the process of elimination concept of what to do if something doesn’t work out. 


                I’ve learned that children would do and or say whatever they hear the person that’s around them the most. With that


being said having the position as I teacher I can instill in each child as much as they can take in and implement through their


work as well as play. I know that working with children and teaching them the things that they need to know will stick with


them and as time goes on they will grow into a higher level of learning once the basics is accomplished. When introducing


things to children baby steps are best just to see where everyone is at far as on that subject to determine how fast or slow you


need to go and how long to keep going over it. Teachers are the second ones in place when it comes to children learning and


that’s why being a teacher is important. 


                I’m ready to become a teacher because there is so many children who are being left behind due to the lack of parent


involvement and it’s very sad to me. I know that I can get children’s minds on the path to learning because I will make it fun and


memorable until the point they will want more. Teaching children to me is like feeding your mind because once you eat you’re


able to function better through all the developmental phases. Without eating it’s hard to pay attention and or retain anything


because the mind isn’t present only the body. Learning is fun and with children present you never know what new things you


might end up doing because their minds are so curious. I want to continue on teaching children but just with a much better


knowledge of things that they need to know to succeed in life as I did for my nieces, nephew, and my children. 

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