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                        I look at education as a way to better yourself for whom you will become in the future.


Yes it can be difficult to continue on after grammar school into high school especially if a child


doesn’t have the support from his/ her family. A high school diploma is very important because most


places won’t hire you without that piece of paper. It’s better to keep going until you have reached


that point where you are comfortable with the degree you will obtain in the end because it will


determine many factors. When you stop and start school your mind can tend to wander off into


another path because you’re not consistent or content with what you are doing. That’s when you


have people that’s coaching and or guiding you in the right path to be successful by sharing options


as well as giving opinions.


                         Education in my household growing up was always a major thing that my family


talked about because without it you would have a hard time surviving in this competitive world. I


always knew that when I got to high school I was definitely going to go to college. Instilling


education into a child as early as 5 or 6 years old isn’t a bad thing because as they grow up they will


know that I have to go to college and get a degree in order to become a police officer, nurse, lawyer,


and etc. When education isn’t talked about in the homes of children and they just come home, don’t


do any homework or get help from a parent then that can have an effect on the child. It will make a


child feel like school isn’t important and if nobody is talking about it or showing an interest then


why should they put forth any effort to want to learn. Children at an early age watch to see what


everyone else around them is doing so for instance if others don’t ever pick up a book and there is no


books around in the home then you can’t expect for a child to even think about reading one.


                          Parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, or whomever is raising children in a home are


their first teachers so setting an example as well as talking about education is very important.


Children will model what you do and repeat what you say. Ages 3-5 are the most critical years


because they are taking in a lot of learning materials and words in which makes reading books often


great for this stage. Once a person starts something like reading a book or talking about what the


child did at school that day or even what did they eat for lunch to what were somethings that they


either made or learned about in school? These types of things become natural to them and they will


want to do it and or talk about it every day. I think that reading to a child every day at least twice


depending on the adult or older sibling schedules is great because no matter how many times the


child wants to read that book they will grow to know word for word outside of just having to look at


the pictures to tell their own story. So making the best of each day is very important to the child’s




                          Helping out and explaining homework to a child on a daily basis shows them that you not only


care about them completing the assignment and making sure it’s right, but as well as for their developmental


skills to have a better understanding on how to imply that into their work. Showing examples to working out


a problem with the child shows them that you are engaged in what they’re learning too. They can also pickup


on some new techniques in answering questions, problem solving, and process of elimination in many


different subjects. Patience is definitely the key to success when it comes down to working with children on


building up their developmental skills. If a teacher, parent, relative, and or tutor doesn’t possess patience,


understanding, and great listening skills themselves then learning something new in any subject will


definitely turn a child off from even wanting to try. As a teacher to a child in any area that person must


maintain a positive attitude, body language is very important so that the child won’t feel like they’re being a


bothersome, and or afraid to approach them when in need of help. Education is not just learning different


subjects but also learning how to communicate, interact with other students, and teachers in order to benefit


from what’s being taught and or said that could be beneficial in some way.


                          Education for children might not be as important to them right now because all they want to


do is play and explore. It’s a process and or stepping stone to get from one point to the next. As long as


children have a person or two in their corner to be that support system that they need to strive and be the


best they can be then anything is possible. Exposing them to some of the many different occupations just to


let them explore, pretend play, and ask questions is great because it will help them to get an idea of what


they might wannabe when they grow up. Most children want to be what their parents or other family


members are but opening that window to other careers out here that could possibly be way better for them


can help in the long run. Education is a team effort between a child/children and their parents or anyone who


assumes the caretaker role for them. Striving to be the best in every way possible should be everyone’s goal


in getting their education.

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