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Bulletin Board, Curriculum Plan, and Summary

                                                            Curriculum Plan


Shaylah Ware

Topic/Title of Lesson: Puppies                      Focused  Domain: Fine Motor/Language

Learning Center: Art                                      Age of Children: 3-5



Goal: To learn how to use their creativity




Objective: Children will use construction paper to make a face of a puppy and a toy they like.




Procedure: Children will start off by drawing out the puppies face and toy. Then they will cut both



items out and glue them to another sheet of construction paper to bring out the pictures.



Advanced Preparation: Drawing out the dog houses, bones, and puppies, and balls followed by



writing on the numbers to the bones, and balls,  colors on the paw prints, and shapes onto the dog



houses. Finally cutting out the houses, paw prints, bones, balls, and puppies.



List Materials: Construction paper in various colors, scissors, glue sticks, and black markers



Developmental Benefits: Children will be able to use their fine motor, language, and social, and



cognitive skills in cutting out the shape of their puppies head, drawing on the features, using glue,



talking with the other children about what they’re making and or what colors they’ll use.



Future Plans: Children will draw a full picture with themselves and their puppy in and they’ll



make a picture frame to go around it as well.



Transition Plan: Sing a song called I Have a Dog



                                  Puppy Bulletin Board Summary



          I choose puppies because it’s my favorite pet. The activity I picked out was based on the  



children being able to draw out the face and a favorite toy of their puppy. This is one way for



children to use their creativity as well as being able to draw out how they perceive their



puppies face. Whether it’s their own, someone else’s, or just a puppy in general works just fine



because everyone sees things differently. The toy connects to the puppy because we all know



that they have to have toys and other objects for entertainment as well as to chew on. The paw



prints helps out with color recognition and how to spell that color. The dog houses are used not



only for color recognition continued but learning of different shapes like, square, triangle,



circle, etc. Far as in the different colored dog bones they have numbers on them that’s



associated with counting and children being able to recognize the numbers they see. So this



bulletin board is just not about puppies and toys but refreshing children’s minds on shapes,




colors, numbers, and different objects in a fun and colorful way.

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